Facilitating Tips for Asynchronous Online Learning
This outstanding article shares some great tips and observations about how to be a better facilitator of course work that is conducted asynchronously and online. Key points include giving meaningful and thoughtful feedback to each course participant and to the group, ensuring that the course is designed to encourage rich participation, increasing your presence without becoming interruptive, and developing an online voice that is warm, humble, kind and respectful.
Big Concepts for the Retail e-Learning Environment
In this article, a case is made for learning, and particularly e-learning, as a potential amelioration for the rapid turnover so often encountered in the retail sector. Evidence from a survey suggests that many retail businesses are planning to ramp up spending on e-learning/training investment in the next two years. As they do so, this article makes relevant suggestions about how to best invest that money, including making sure the hardware ecosystem is well covered and that learning outcomes reflect real business need.
Technologies to Enhance Customer Experiences Include Identity Management
Self-service. It's the new trend in customer experience, and data support that this trend will grow quickly - with an expected 85% of human/company interactions being managed through self-service by the year 2020. This article sheds light on one of those items that supports making self-service an effortless thing - namely, correct and timely transfer of identity that is secure and reliable.