Staving Off Desertion of Customers Through Directed and Personalized Customer Journeys
This article reminds us that it is important to engineer customer journeys, with particular emphasis on e-Commerce experiences. The ubiquitous Big Data is of course referenced - but my forays are telling me that we aren't even being pro-active, on websites, of collecting customer insight or information as pages are navigated. There's much we can do without Big Data, and many smaller businesses just won't ever feel inclined to go there. That said, creating personalization opportunities in customer journeys - regardless of the channel - is very important. Those who do will win. Those who don't will struggle.
Chief Experience Officers Can Synchronize Business Silos
There are many fascinating benefits from an enhanced and C-suite focus on customer experience. In this wonderful blog with a very relatable, personal story, Len Devanna of Trepoint shares with us a perspective that customer experience can actually break down the silos of marketing, sales, and service... getting them all on the same page. It takes a C to generate cultural imperative for customer centricity - watch for it happening more and more in successful organizations.
Getting Personal for Customer Loyalty - Challenges and Opportunities
Personalization of the customer experience - the ultimate long-tail marketing - is great when done well. But if approached with less than "all-in", there are risks. This article helps us understand the importance of empathy in learning from the customer - which is the first step towards personalization, grasshopper!