Big Data Your Way to Customer Excellence
I won't confess to having deep insight into the use of big data in evaluating customer experiences. However, it appears that Monica Mullen just might. I've always struggled with the data scatter - there's lots out there, but it's often stored in various databases that just aren't connected. Mullen makes an argument that efforts can bring insight from big data about customer experience, and provides some practical places to start. My conclusion - even if you just talk to your customer service reps and get them recording and sending data to one place, you will make a significant start. Big data is great - but human effort might be greater.
Gaining Traction: Personalization in e-Learning
For a few years, I have been harping about the need for instructional designers to borrow trends and information from other disciplines, to "take a marketer out for lunch - and learn." My early work in the confluences between marketing and learning focused on marketing's "buying process" - and I appreciate the feedback I've received on that work. For a few years, behind the scenes, I've also been working on means that allow learners to personalize - introducing a toolset (Modifulate) that allows rapid reconfiguration of e-learning builds, introducing targeted assessments of knowledge and motivation in courseware, and introducing a website personalization framework (Qromium). I've advocated more work on learner journey mapping, and created a toolset to support that (Journifica). And I've followed drip marketing and marketing personalization. This article makes the case that learning personalization is here to stay - now we just need some of the tools to catch up.
5 Great Customer Experience Recommendations
It's a short read - but conveys 5 great tips for enhancing customer experience. Perhaps the best tip of all - have a plan. To have that plan, understand the customers' experiences. Here's my shameful plug - to understand customer experiences, create and validate customer journey maps.