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Starlight - Our Blog


Starlight is the blog of Todd Kasenberg, Principal of Guiding Star Communications and Consulting, and any invited guests. This blog covers a range of topics that include e-learning, customer experience, journey mapping, loyalty, marketing strategy, market research, and organizational culture. In other words - it's got a lot of gems for many different readers, but readers might have to be patient to find what works for them.  Enjoy!


Next » Showing 1-10 of 28 entries.

Culture Works

Your brand is not pretty images, good colour use in your logos, and nice typefaces. It is the end-result, the synthesis, of what all your people value, how they are with each other, what they consider are the best ways to do things, with a dash of energy. Truly, your values are your brand.

by Todd Kasenberg

Coaching – The Right Model for the Motivationally-Challenged Performer

Not all situations involving human performance require "training".  In this article, learn more about the three types of learners, and how coaching - a technique that requires an expert "guide at the side" - is best suited for learners who actually have knowledge and even skill, but who persist in sub-optimal performance behaviours.

by Todd Kasenberg

9 Simple Tips to Get More Out of Twitter

Grow your followership on Twitter. Leverage these 9 great tips that we've studied and tried to enrich your Twitter presence, and you'll build a better world (or at least, a better Twitterverse).

by Todd Kasenberg

Adult Learning as Andragogy - Refine Your Thinking

Andragogy.  An enigmatic term, rarely but correctly used in the context of learning undertaken by adults.  We provide the skinny on andragogy in an elegant infographic, and point out why the term pedagogy isn't the right one when we talk about adults and learning.

by Todd Kasenberg

Great Thinking on Leadership and Culture

Further to our ongoing research program on all things related to organizational culture, we collected from and consulted with some of the pre-eminent authorities on organizational culture and leadership, and have prepared an infographic depicting their wisdom on these subjects.  We invite you to review and download a copy of this new infographic.

by Todd Kasenberg

The 19 Learner Burdens

Learners are often told that they must participate in a learning program. This "volunteerism" naturally provokes a range of thoughts about the experience to which they, as learners, will be subjected. I've borrowed a concept from people skills coach Kate Nasser to highlight 19 burdens which may create learner tension pre-engagement, and which can shut down effective formal learning before it even begins.

by Todd Kasenberg
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Infographic: Organizational Culture - Current Perspectives

In the fall of 2015, Guiding Star conducted a survey of human resources professionals on the topics related to organizational culture.  We were excited to receive a substantial response and gain substantial insight.  While we do plan to share more detailed results of the survey in other forms, we have created an infographic, Organizational Culture - Current Perspectives.  We invite you to review and download a copy of this new infographic.

by Todd Kasenberg

Infographic: Microlearning - Global Perspective

The Guiding Star team, under the aegis of its Case Swarm web-based social e-learning tool, has collaborated with the great team at Raptivity to conduct, analyze and report on a survey on microlearning. Find the best facts, hailing from the survey, in our compelling new infographic, Microlearning - Global Perspective.